core values
The Bible is the ultimate foundation and the final truth in every aspect of our lives. We concentrate on mastering God’s Word, learning to understand its meaning and apply its teaching.
Victory in Christ comes to those who yield humbly to the Holy Spirit who makes us more like Him in our daily lives.
“For God so love the world He gave…” We prepare each student to have an impact as part of the “missions team,” whether in a “sending church” or as one sent. The Holy Spirit dispenses blessings and works through us so that we are a blessing ourselves.
The CIU community seeks joyful reliance upon God for material provision, victory over sin, growth in Christlikeness, and fruitfulness in ministry. Our relationship with Him is expressed in daily prayers of a loving and needy heart.
Evangelical unity means accepting other Christians of evangelical conviction, regardless of denominational or theological affinity, for purposes of fellowship, encouragement, edification and ministry.
What is a Biblical Worldview?
The Bible contains not only the measure by which we make life choices, but it is the story of God’s own people from the beginning of time until today, through which we learn that God is pursuing a relationship with us individually.
Our faculty diligently works to help our students answer the following questions with increasing depth and clarity:
Who is God and what is His nature and character?
How is man created in the image of God, how did man fall, and why is he in need of restoration?
What is God’s plan for a restored relationship through Jesus Christ?
How can we trust and apply the Scriptures as God’s inspired, inerrant word?
What is the importance and benefit of growing in spiritual discipline?
How can we intelligently evaluate and positively engage the prevailing culture?
What is each believer’s role and responsibility in God’s redemptive plan?
How is God involved in history through people, events and His Church?
Our ultimate goal is to educate and graduate students who are equipped to represent Jesus in culture through personal knowledge of God and His truth.