Beyond Ben Lippen: Ryan Fleming '19
Ryan Fleming, class of 2019, is in his last year at Charleston Southern University where he is a Graphic Design major. After playing college football for a few years, Ryan retired from the cleats to focus on his academic endeavors full-time.
Ryan is also a talented artist and entrepreneur. This year he is running his freelance business, KXNG Design, which specializes in logo and design branding including sports design and graphics, and music cover artwork. He also works for the CSU football graphics teams, which handle team and recruiting-related content. However, the creative work doesn’t end there; Ryan is a recording artist developing Hip-Hop and R&B music.
He recently released a single “Thoughts on the Ave,” under the recording name FLEM. This song holds personal significance as it is a “song of reflection, conviction, reminiscing, and motivation.”
Once Ryan graduates from CSU, he plans to work with a design agency to immerse himself in the field while also building his own brand. He will also continue to write music and looks forward to the opportunities in this arena.
You can check out “Thoughts on the Avenue” on all the major music platforms and view his video on YouTube at
- Alumni