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Family Spotlight: The Nielsen Family

What do you feel your children get at Ben Lippen School that they would not get somewhere else? JESUS! They get to encounter Jesus every day and they are encouraged to grow in their personal relationships with Him.

How has Ben Lippen School helped your children thrive? My kids are able to thrive in a safe, loving, and God-honoring environment that encourages their relationships with Christ and where others will lift them up in prayer.

Which campuses do your children attend and what makes those campuses unique and special to your family? Our son attends the Monticello Rd. campus. He is in high school and this campus provides an amazing high school atmosphere. Everything is done well. He feels the freedom (just enough) that comes with being a high school student but also the safety of boundaries. Our daughter attends N.E. campus. The building is beautiful and the atmosphere is inviting to elementary-age students.

How would you share with others the value of the sacrifices your family has made for your children to attend Ben Lippen? We can't imagine spending God's money that He blessed us with any other way. We believe it's important for our children to be educated by those who are like-minded in faith. After all, they are spending 7 hours/day with them. We truly believe He only has blessed us with the financial means and continues to do so because we are listening to the calling He's asked of us to send our children to Christian School. It's an investment in our children that will impact them for eternity. What more could we ask than our children walk with Jesus and know Him as Savior?

I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children are living their lives in truth. - 3 John 1:4

What advice would you give families who are considering Ben Lippen School? PRAY! It may sound cliché, but why should it? Every major decision should be made with God in mind. What would honor Him? What would He want for your family? What is the best fit for your child? What is He pressing on your heart to do? I find myself lacking wisdom often when it comes to parenting. I often don't even know the questions I should ask and rarely know the answers, but James 1:5 comes to mind repeatedly, "If any of you lacks wisdom (to guide him through decision or circumstance), he is to ask of (our benevolent) God, who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame, and it will be given to him." AMP He never fails to provide for us, give us answers and give us the wisdom we are asking for.

How would you share your family's story?
We moved to the area this past year. We were looking for Christian Education for our children. We called and spoke with Kelly Adams and she took nearly 30 minutes to share lots of information about the school and answer all our questions. She's always been excellent at communicating and responding to my messages and she is always joyful in doing so.

One thing that strikes us is the importance that the teachers and faculty place on being relational with the students. As parents to a teenager, this is something that matters to us greatly. We knew Grace would flourish within the school and we loved knowing that our kids' teachers would know and care about them personally. Our children aren't just another number; they are souls that matter deeply to the heart of God and will matter to their teachers. Our family has become known by the faculty, staff and other students. We feel the family environment, care and love that Ben Lippen has to offer. We feel the Holy Spirit's presence in this school. It is a place we trust will come alongside our family in raising our children to know Jesus and learn what it means to walk with Him daily and honor Him in all we do. We know an eternal impact is being made in the lives of our children by choosing Ben Lippen for our family!