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Prefect Spotlight: Spiritual Life

Senior year of high school is often seen as a chance for leadership—a way students can give back to the community that has guided and shaped them for the last four or so years and ensuring their peers carry on a legacy in their wake. Such service is especially evident at Ben Lippen School, with the motto “Equipping Students and Establishing Leaders” seen most literally in the spiritual life prefects.

Mentored by Discipleship Coordinator Dennis Uhlman, seniors Allison Reynolds and Will Helmadollar work together to serve students of all ages. That includes organizing chapels, leading middle and lower school outreach, heading the discipleship program, and planning other spiritual life events. 

Their goal?

“I want to affect spiritual change at Ben Lippen,” Will said. 

Serving in this capacity allows both to use their skills and talents for the glory of God and for the good of their peers. Though leadership takes hard work, it comes easy when they love what they do. 

“I love planning and leadership, and this role allows me to use my passions to have an impact,” Allison said. “I am so thankful that God has allowed me to take on this responsibility.”

Allison is familiar with the prefect legacy, having joined the discipleship program freshman year. She looked up to the then-prefects and noticed the impact they had on students, which inspired her to apply for the Bridge prefect position her junior year. Switching to spiritual life prefect this year has given her a “once in a lifetime opportunity to lead in a way that can change lives,” she said. 

A former teacher encouraged Will to apply for the position for his senior year. The discipleship program is the main way people can be impacted, he said, but events like See You At The Pole also drive spiritual bonding among the student body.

Allison echoed his sentiments on the discipleship program. 

“Everyone is there because they want to grow in their faith and grow with others alongside them,” she said. “I love the opportunity to hear from other students in small groups.”

Her other favorite events are weekly chapel, which provides time in the morning to focus on the Lord, and the lower school outreach, which lets older students spend time with and mentor younger ones.

In all, serving as a spiritual life prefect has provided them both with invaluable opportunities to help lead the student body as the Body of Christ—being the hands and feet of Jesus to Ben Lippen’s campuses and beyond.