Staff Story: Christy Lambert
As our receptionist, Mrs. Christy Lambert is one of the first smiling faces you will see when visiting Ben Lippen. She has filled that position since 2016. Before that, you could find Mrs. Lambert in Athletics doing just about anything that needed to be done. She worked in Athletics for 15 years! She still helps out by working the ticket desk at various sporting events. Mrs. Lambert is well-loved by Ben Lippen students, staff, and families alike. Read on to get to know Mrs. Lambert.
Tell us about your family. I’ve been married to Jeff for 41 years (he’s still my boyfriend). We have two children: Mandy (BLS Class of ’02) and Justin (BLS Class of ’06). They are both married to awesome spouses. These four have given this Mimi the best gift ever - three grandbaby girlies!! (Insert ALL the heart eyes!!) Anna Capri is two and a half, Dylan is two years old, and our little Reese was born on September 13, 2021. Everything they say about being a grandparent is true…What a blessed gift!
What do you do in your free time? I love spending time with my grandgirlies (and the rest of my family, too!). I enjoy reading and I love watching sports. I adore traveling – but I don’t travel as much as I wish I could.
What else would you like for our readers to know about you? I came to know the love of Jesus when I was 12 years old through a man from whom I shoplifted items from his store. He invested in me, a rotten thief, and loved me even though I had stolen from him. What a picture of God’s grace and mercy!
What do you love most about Ben Lippen? Easiest question ever - the people!!! Oh, how I love our students, our faculty, and our staff. Also, Ben Lippen has the most gracious and generous parents in the world. We are one big family.
What do you love most about your job? The second easiest question ever – my interaction with our incredible students. God has given us the most amazing young folks and I love sharing life with them and learning from them. They keep this old gal young at heart AND encouraged about this next generation.
- teacher