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Student Spotlight: Caroline Carroll

Caroline Carroll graduated valedictorian of the Ben Lippen class of 2023, but her academic achievements don’t stop there. 

She is about to enter her freshman year at Missisppi State University to major in biochemistry on the Pre-Veterinary track before advancing to veterinary school. 

Vying for a spot at any type of medical school is often an intense struggle; application after application are sent in with whispered prayers, hopes, and dreams. But Caroline has already done the hard part. She has already secured a spot at the Missisippi State College of Veterinary Medicine Early Entry Program. 

She has clinched one of 40 spots a year offered to incoming freshmen. Once she finishes her undergraduate studies at the Shackouls Honors College, she has a seat reserved for her in her higher education. 

“This is a huge relief for me to due to the competitive nature of applying to vet school,” she said.

Caroline’s love for animals and passion for science made it easy to recognize her desire to become a veterinarian, a dream she has held since she was in second grade. Her dream has never faded; in fact, it has only grown as she has gathered more experience. She completed two Pre-Vet camps at Clemson and the University of Georgia in addition to working at Columbia Veterinary Emergency Trauma Specialty for over a year. 

“Working in an animal ER has taught me so much about medicine and people, and only made me fall even more in love with veterinary medicine,” she said. “I am very grateful to have such a supportive family who are behind me in all of these endeavors. I wouldn’t have any of these opportunities with them.”

Her parents, Jeff and Christy Carroll, couldn’t be more proud. 

“The goals Caroline set for herself were high, but a day didn’t go by where she wasn’t striving steadfastly to reach her goals,” Christy said. “We are grateful for all Ben Lippen afforded Caroline throughout her high school years and are immensely honored to see all that the Lord will do in Caroline’s life in the years to come.”