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Teacher Feature: Mrs. Kennerly Jordan

Mrs. Kennerly Jordan teaches first grade at the Saint Andrews Road Campus.

What do you love teaching about first grade? First grade is a year of BIG growth. I love seeing how far my students come from the

beginning of the year until the end. I really enjoy teaching them to read and seeing the “AHA!” moments they have. And first grade is FUN!

We do so many amazing hands-on activities and provide great experiences for our first graders through field trips.

Tell us about your family. I’ve been married to my wonderful husband, Will, for almost 20 years and we have 4 children all at Ben Lippen. We are not originally from South Carolina, but graduate school brought us to USC years ago, and now Columbia is home!

What do you do in your free time? In my free time, I enjoy being outside. I especially love the Blue Ridge mountains, and we try to go

as a family as often as we can. We have so much fun hiking, exploring, camping, and just soaking up God’s beautiful creation.

Photography is also a passion of mine, and I had a photography business for 10 years before going back to teaching. It brings me so

much joy to capture precious fleeting moments in people’s lives and give them images that they will cherish forever.

What is something most people don’t know about you? Sorry, but you won’t find me cheering for the Gamecocks… I’m an Auburn Tiger! War Eagle!

What do you love most about Ben Lippen? There’s so much to love about Ben Lippen! The sense of community, the school spirit, the high

academic standards, and teaching from a biblical worldview. I especially love listening to the students’ sweet prayers each day.

What else would you like readers to know about you? I’m extremely honored and grateful to be a part of the Ben Lippen community. I’m so thankful that God opened the door for my family to be here. We love our Falcon Family!

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