Teacher Feature: Ms. Tori Thompson
Teaches: 5th Grade
Tell us a little about your family. My family is rooted in Christ. I grew up with parents who were real in Christ, thus paving my road to Jesus with sincerity. I also grew up in a house filled with music. I would often wake up Saturday or Sunday mornings with my dad playing the piano, practicing for the praise band at church, and come home to my mom teaching singing, voice lessons. I have two siblings: an older brother and a younger sister. I now have a wonderful sister-in-law, and 5 awesome nephews, and one awesome niece.
What do you like to do in your free time? I love reading books and will consume them in frightening amounts if given the opportunity. I love movies and radio dramas as well--really anything with a story. And then I love discussing those stories with others and finding God in them. I love a good hike or walk in the woods, and sometimes ache for the outdoors when rain or travel restricts me for too long. You will also often catch me singing or humming a tune.
What else would you like readers to know about you? I'm passionate about social justice and have been blessed to travel to 23 different countries doing different ministries, with a few that worked with orphanages.
What is something most people don't know about you? I am a Brazilian citizen. I was 2008's fencing champion at my college, and I collect swords that represent my favorite pieces of literature and film. I also collect music boxes.
What are you passionate about? I am passionate about a real relationship with Christ, music, quality time, reading, and the power of stories and their ability reveal real truths of our Creator and our longing for Him, sometimes without us knowing it. Like J.R.R. Tolkien once said, "Because men and women come from God, their highest ideals and longings come from Him as well... It is not only man's abstract reasoning, but also his imaginative inventions that find their origins in God...There once was an Eden on this very unhappy earth. The storyteller tries to retrieve the world he knew before man's fall from grace. We all long for it..."
- teacher