I have three children at Ben Lippen: Davis, Cademon, and Phoebe, and a lovely wife, Melody, who is an alum (Class of '01). I love that I get to teach the BL students and share life with them. Jesus had an ongoing relationship with his disciples and taught them as they shared life together.
My background is in youth ministry and I have a master's degree in Education and Counseling from CIU. I've spent the last 12 years as a Christian school educator and I have always tried to include my students in my life, within reason, by letting them know what I am passionate about, my weekends, my travels, my family, etc. This allows them to be able to know me more than just a teacher. I also ask about their lives as well, show up to their games, care about their interests…and in doing so, we share life together. That works better with some students than others, but at least they can see that I care about them as individuals and not just their grades in my class.
I appreciate my coworkers, leaders, and administration here at BL so much. I feel like I am truly a part of a team that loves each other and needs each other. The way we rely on each other in difficult times, bounce ideas off of each other, troubleshoot difficult situations, and then rejoice in victories is amazing!
- teacher