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Teacher Feature: Patrice Fleming

Mrs. Fleming is a Pre-K 4 teacher at the Monticello Rd. campus.

Tell us about your family.

My husband Richard and I have been married for 34 years. We met while we were students at Columbia Bible College (now known as CIU). Richard has been involved in pastoral ministry for over 36 years. He is currently the pastor of New Heights Church, Columbia. We have three adult children, one daughter-in-law, and four grandchildren. Our oldest son, Ross Fleming, is a 2011 Ben Lippen graduate. He works as a mortgage banker at Ameris Bank. He also serves at First Baptist Church of Lexington as the drummer for the worship team and as a small group Bible study leader. He is currently also touring (some weekends) as a drummer for Country artist Cody Webb. Our daughter-in-law, Rebekah Fleming, serves as a home-school mom to our four grandchildren (Audrey, (5 years), Rock (4 years), Brielle (2 years), and Ransom (2 months). Our Daughter, Rebecca Fleming, is a 2014 graduate of Hope Christian Academy. She works as a teaching assistant at North Trenholm Road Baptist Church Weekday program. Our youngest son, Ryan Fleming, is a 2019 Ben Lippen graduate. He is currently a senior at Charleston Southern University (CSU). He played football at CSU for two years then retired to work as the graphic designer for the CSU football team.


Why did you choose to come to Ben Lippen?

The Lord lead me to Ben Lippen through the suggestion of a family friend (a former Ben Lippen teacher). Through that suggestion I was hired as Ben Lippen's first 6th grade teacher in 1989. Christian education has always been a part of my life. I attended a Christian elementary school, attended a Christian College (CIU), and began my teaching career in GA in a Christian elementary school, so naturally, when I moved back to Columbia (in 1989) it seemed as a good fit. I loved the emphasis of spiritual formation in the lives of the students at Ben Lippen. When my husband and I started our family we knew that this was the place we wanted our children to be; a place where they could be nurtured in God's truth and in His Word.


What do you enjoy most about teaching at Ben Lippen?

I love the fact that I can share the Gospel with my students and my love for Christ so freely each day.


Why did you choose your specific area of study?

I feel that God has uniquely gifted me to teach little children. It is my sweet spot.


What do you like to do in your free time?

Drink a cup of hot tea and listen to quiet classical music. I also love coloring and word searches.


What is your favorite part of the school day?

Recess. It gives me a chance to sit back and truly observe the children as they play.



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