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Ben Lippen School Online’s mission is to provide a virtual education taught from a biblical worldview.

(CBC) board of trustees under the guidance of CBC’s first president, Robert C. McQuilkin. The evangelical boarding school for boys was located at CBC’s Ben Lippen Conference Center on a mountain near Asheville, NC.

The school became co-educational in 1952 and flourished as a school for missionary children. After a fire destroyed the main building in 1980, Ben Lippen moved its high school program to its current location in Columbia, South Carolina, in 1988 to be on the campus of CBC.  An elementary program was started in 1990 and Ben Lippen School currently boasts three campuses. The third lower school campus, located in Northeast Columbia, opened in the Fall of 2021. 

Today, Ben Lippen School has more than 1200 students in grades Pre-K3 through 12th, with approximately 40 of them being international students who live on campus and attend our high school. Ben Lippen School is accredited by the Council on Educational Standards and Accountability (CESA), Cognia (formerly AdvancED), and the Small Boarding School Association (SBSA).

Ben Lippen School Online Initiative was launched in 2021 to expand our mission by providing a virtual education taught from a biblical worldview.

Our Core Values

Open Bible
The Bible is the ultimate foundation and the final truth in every aspect of our lives. We concentrate on mastering God’s Word, learning to understand its meaning, and apply its teaching.
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“For God so loved the world He gave…” We prepare each student to have an impact as part of the “missions team,” whether in a “sending church” or as one sent. The Holy Spirit dispenses blessings and works through us so that we are a blessing ourselves.

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Victory in Christ comes to those who yield humbly to the Holy Spirit who makes us more like Him in our daily lives.

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The CIU community seeks joyful reliance upon God for material provision, victory over sin, growth in Christlikeness, and fruitfulness in ministry. Our relationship with Him is expressed in daily prayers of a loving and needy heart.

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Evangelical unity means accepting other Christians of evangelical conviction, regardless of denominational or theological affinity, for purposes of fellowship, encouragement, edification, and ministry.